In our diverse global community, The World Federation of KSIMC stands as the umbrella body of 6 Regional Federations consisting of about 150,000 members across the globe. At the heart of this vibrant tapestry lies our youth, the architects of our shared future.

Recently, The WF took a significant step by organizing the first Youth Conference in June 2023. From this conference emerged the Youth Task Force, a group deeply committed to understanding the unique challenges our youth face. Their mission is transformative, driven by passion and a genuine desire to make a difference.

This dedicated team recognizes the vital role young people play in shaping our community’s tomorrow. Together, we’re paving the way for a brighter future, where every voice, especially the youth’s, matters.

The Youth Task Force has embarked on a crucial mission: a detailed survey aimed at understanding the lives and dreams of our young members. This survey is no ordinary questionnaire; it’s a powerful tool designed to discover the needs and aspirations of our youth worldwide. By identifying communities with strong youth programs and those facing significant hurdles, the Task Force is creating a clear, global picture. They are delving deep, listening to every story, and working together for a better future.

The information gathered from this survey is incredibly valuable. By highlighting specific needs in different communities, the Task Force gains priceless insights needed to create impactful solutions. Additionally, listening to the preferences and ideas of the youth helps build lasting, sustainable solutions for the future. Our youths input matters, and together, we’re shaping a better tomorrow.

In this endeavor, our youths voice is indispensable. The Youth Task Force earnestly invites all youth across all regions to share their thoughts, experiences, and ideas. Their honest feedback is invaluable — it not only help the Task Force to understand better but also shapes our community’s future. Together, let’s create a tomorrow where youth aspirations lead the way.

To join the Youth Task Force’s collective journey of empowerment, click the provided link and participate in the survey. The youths involvement today ensures a stronger, more connected global community tomorrow. Let’s make a difference together.

Together, the youth can empower their tomorrow,
one insight at a time.