In the Name of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful

The Islamic Education Department of The World Federation of KSIMC is pleased to present to the community the Mixed Gatherings policy paper.

Upon being tasked by The WF Executive Council Meeting in Harefield, on 8th – 9th June 2023, the Islamic Education Department accepted the tedious task of reviewing the previously adopted Mixed Gatherings paper and gathering necessary feedback from key Alims and Alimas and prominent community grassroots worldwide regarding the current challenges and situations faced by the community.

This was coupled by seeking guidance from the office of His Eminence Ayatollah Sistani (d), and referring to the latest detailed 4-volume Tawdhih al-Masa’il Jami’ manual of His Eminence – currently only available in Farsi – and other resources. These efforts culminated in a new updated policy paper which was unanimously adopted by The WF Executive Council in Karachi, 31st December 2023 – 1st January 2024.

The updated paper now covers 32 mixed gatherings settings, addressing the masails for the community in a range of settings.

This paper will soon be followed by a detailed reference book, which will include extensive fiqhi discussions, and put before the reader, the latest relevant fatwas from the aforementioned manual, which were referred to in the updated policy paper.

Islamic Education Department, 
The World Federation of KSIMC