On Friday, 19th July 2024 (12th Muharram 1446), The President of the World Federation, Alhaj Safder Jaffer, accompanied by the President of ISIJ Toronto, Alhaj Rizwan Khalfan, met His Eminence Sayyid Ali Huseini al-Sistani (d) in Najaf al-Ashraf.

Agha especially requested the President to convey his special Salaams to the community. He reiterated his utmost respect and confidence in the workings of the Federation and the community and that he always prays for our success.

Agha reiterated his message he delivered to The WF delegation on 2nd Shawwal 1445 that he was very pleased to receive a recent letter from a Khoja community scholar who sought forgiveness from Allah (SWT) in matters that are essential to the faith which brings about communal harmony.

Agha reminded the delegation of the central role the Khoja community plays within the wider Shi’a world as well as the Ummah at large. He stated how important it was to preserve the unity and bonding that the Khojas enjoy, and he is aware of certain segments who periodically try and undermine its unity but despite such pressures, the community has preserved its unity through its well-defined structures.

Agha praised the work of The World Federation in serving the wider Shi’a community and said he continuously prays for its success. He stated that the Federation should work on any gaps that may exist and that such gaps should not result in vested interest taking advantage of any loopholes. He said that the Federation’s work has been very impactful and that its work and contributions in supporting the followers of Ahl al-Bayt (a) is an honour for the Shi’as.

He stated that the unity of the Federation, adherence to ethical and religious principles and following its well-defined governance structure was the strength of the community and should be preserved at all times. He said holding to these ethos shall not allow those who want to create rifts within the community to take unfair advantage by striking at the unity and harmony within the global KSIM communities.

He stated the need to be cognizant of the challenges of our time and especially when dealing with the new generation and in preservation of faith. He said he was confident that the Khoja community with its existing structures will be able to meet the challenges of our times.

He reminded the leaders to work closely with each other and that it was this unified way that would ensure the community is able to overcome future challenges.

The delegation then called upon the head of Agha’s office, Sayyid Mohamed Ridha Sistani, and discussed a range of issues both jurisprudential as well as community related where the guidance of Marjaiyat was sought. Sayyid Mohamed Ridha reminded the delegation that many of the community challenges required level headedness and succinct judgement yet dealing with issues to ensure Islamic ethos are preserved but at the same time maintaining the unity of the community as well as ensuring people are not alienated from community affairs despite varied difference that are bound to exist. He advised a balanced approach based on wisdom, adherence to Islamic principles and yet maintaining harmony in solving matters. He reiterated Agha and his offices’ full support to the Federation and its constituent members.