New Dawn for Jamaats in Europe

New Dawn for Jamaats in Europe

Communities throughout Europe, particularly in the UK, are evolving by expanding or moving to new centres to meet the fast evolving needs of the community. The President of the World Federation, Alhaj Safder Jaffer, visited and participated in the openings of some of these new centres, which was supported by the community and endorsed by [...]

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Update on The World Federation Office Bearers Visit to Tanzania

Update on The World Federation Office Bearers Visit to Tanzania

As part of the visit of OBs in February for the Extra Ordinary Executive Council meeting, the WF Office Bearers visited AFED offices and related tableegh, health and educational institutions during their visit. This newswire summarises the key areas of the visit. Meeting at Africa Federation's Office From L - R: Zainul bhai Chandoo - [...]

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Latest IE Publications – Gems for your library

Latest IE Publications – Gems for your library

Islamic Education Department of The World Federation of KSIMC is proud to announce the launch of three interesting new publications, available now on WFSHOP. Islamic Education Department is pleased to bring you a fun new book for children, titled: "Angel Sajida & The Lady of Light" - by Late Sajida Jivraj and Fatima Bhimani-Karim, illustrated [...]

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What is Fidyah? “Fidyah” is a compensation for a fast of Ramadan that is missed under certain legitimate circumstances. Fidyah can only be distributed as food, not as cash. The giving of fidyah also benefits members of the community who live in impoverished conditions. WF-AID is facilitating fidyah food distribution in Africa and South Asia this Ramadan. The following are some [...]

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Extraordinary Meeting of the Executive Council 2021-2024

Extraordinary Meeting of the Executive Council 2021-2024

An Extraordinary Meeting of the Executive Council 2021 - 2024 was held from 19th - 20th February 2022 in Dar es Salaam (with councillors joining remotely through a hybrid model) at short notice, and kindly facilitated by the Africa Federation. The meeting was called due to two urgent agendas items: 1. Update on the Capital Project of Husseini Islamic Centre of Florida (Orlando Jamaat) 2. Legal Update [...]

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