Alhaj Safder Jaffer in attendance at the 1st Ordinary General Assembly
of Association Khoja Shia Ithna Asher de Madagascar (AKSIAM)

The President, Alhaj Safder Jaffer, visited Madagascar on 29th of April 2023 to attend the 1st Ordinary General Assembly of Association Khoja Shia Ithna Asher de Madagascar (AKSIAM). The meeting saw the inauguration of Alhaj Ismael Feride as the new President of AKSIAM following the completion of two successful terms of Shaykh Haniphe Akberaly.
The meeting was attended by the Chairman of Africa Federation, Alhaj Amine Nassor, Vice Chairman of Africa Federation, Alhaj Aunali Khalfan, President of UAKSIR, Alhaj Raza Aly Asgaraly Moulla Janmamod, besides Presidents and councillors from across all the jamats in Madagascar.
A range of reports were presented on the activities carried out by AKSIAM (formerly CROI – Council Regional Federation of Madagascar). The WF President spoke at the event and congratulated Alhaj Ismael Feride on behalf of the OBs of The WF for being duly elected to serve AKSIAM and wished him all the success and support from The WF. He focused on the following key points during his address:
– Acknowledged the tremendous contribution of the outgoing President Shaykh Haniphe Akberaly and stated that the talent he brought during his term led to many notable achievements during his term.
– Focused on the challenges facing the community and the role of leadership in acknowledging these challenges and coming up with a clear plan and vision in addressing them.
– Reminded the audience on certain key areas that Imam Ali (a) mentioned in his famous letter, in particular the focus on the ‘poor’ in the community, to Malika Ashtar.
– Focused on the need for strong collaboration between leaders across all KSIMC entities and work with patience, endurance and tolerance.
Watch the complete address below:

The WF President – Alhaj Safder Jaffer at the dinner gathering at Center Al Mourtaza Orphan Complex
The WF President later attended a dinner gathering hosted by Shaykh Haniphe, Chairman of the Al Mourtaza Oprhan Centre complex, where community volunteers and leaders met and socialized.

Alhaj Safder Jaffer – The WF President at the opening of Al Madina Housing Complex
On 30th April 2023, the President attended the opening of the Al Madina Housing Complex established by AKSIAM. This complex provides affordable ownership on a rent-to-own basis for community members. The President was impressed with the project for community members of Antananarivo. He congratulated the leadership of AKSIAM and the community for this achievement and commended them for this huge milestone that goes a long way in meeting the much-needed housing needs for the Khoja community and providing ownership to community members who have the dream to own a home.