The World Federation of KSIMC , in partnership with Africa Federation (AFED), the Council of European Jamaats (CoEJ), Organisation of North American Shia Ithna-asheri Muslim Communities (NASIMCO), Khoja Communities Australasia (KCA), India Federation, Pakistan Federation and Middle East Jamaat are excited to present the 20th Madinah al-Ilm Course in Iraq, an exceptional educational and spiritual opportunity for youths aged 18-25 years to have a unique experience in the Holy Lands of Najaf & Karbala, from Tuesday 17th December 2024 – Thursday 2nd January 2025.

The subsidised course cost includes accommodation, all meals, visits and ground transportation costs.
Iraqi entry Visa costs are excluded from this price
Places are extremely limited, so book your spot early. Places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis for those applicants who meet the criteria. Best of Luck!

*A Deposit* fee of $100 must be paid to your respective Regional Federation immediately after submitting your application form, to complete the registration process. For further information please refer to the Terms and Conditions and FAQs for the course:

– Contact your Federation for any further queries thereafter.
– Check out the Course reports from previous years and our Photo Gallery Here
– For any further queries that you can find answers to contact us on Madinah email –
InshaAllah we look forward to being of service to you
The Madinah al-Ilm course is heavily subsidized and is only possible through the kind donations of our supporters. Please donate generously and earn eternal reward for you and your beloved Marhumeen.