In June 2023, The WF President, Alhaj Safder Jaffer, travelled to Pakistan, to engage in a series of meetings, as well as assess the progress of ongoing projects, including the flood housing work throughout the country. These meetings in Karachi involved discussions with the Pakistan Federation, Khoja (Pirhai) Shia Isna Asheri Jamaat (KPSIAJ) in Karachi, as well as esteemed philanthropists who generously support various community-run trusts in Pakistan.
The main objective of this visit was to evaluate the practicality of initiating housing projects tailored to the needs of the community in Karachi.

Alhaj Safder Jaffer meeting with KPSIAJ members and other attendees for the KPSIAJ Housing Project
On 22nd June 2023, The WF President, Alhaj Safder Jaffer attended a meeting at the Khoja (Pirhai) Shia Isna Asheri Jamaat (KPSIAJ) Jamaat office, Karachi, bringing together philanthropists from various Khoja community run trusts, together with officials and members of Pakistan Federation and KPSIAJ Jamaat community, to address the pressing issue of community housing needs.
Distinguished individuals in attendance at the meeting included: Alhaj Safdar Jaffer – The WF President, Alhaj Hussain Alibhai, Alhaj Sajjad Ebrahim, Alhaj Mustafa Kassam, Alhaj Shams Haji, Alhaj Ali Nawaz and Alhaj Azhar Patel. KPSIAJ hosts present included: Alhaj Abul Hasan Gokal – KPSIAJ President and Pakistan Federation, Agha Asghar Hussain Shaheedi – KPSIAJ Hon. Secretary, Alhaj Yawar Abbas Kumaili – KPSIAJ Joint Secretary, Alhaj Asker Ali Basrawala, KPSIAJ Treasurer, Alhaj Zahid Hussain Vasnani – Pakistan Federation Councillor and Officiating Hon. Secretary, Alhaj Shahid Ali Khoja – Pakistan Federation Councillor, Alhaj Raza Mamdani – KPSIAJ Volunteer. Virtual participants who were in attendance included: Alhaj Taki Jaffer – Chairman of Jaffer Family Foundation (JFF), Alhaj Mohsin Ali Gheewala – WF Councillor and KPSIAJ MC Member, Alhaj Zain c/o Alhaj. Taki Jaffer – Builder and Alhaj Umer c/o Alhaj Taki Jaffer – Builder.
The participants, physical and online, engaged in constructive and productive discussions, aiming to find viable solutions to improve housing conditions for the community. Following a series of comprehensive presentations, it was determined that the formation of a task force is necessary to formulate solid proposals and provide a progress report to the participants of this meeting within the forthcoming months.
Children’s Summer Camp and Medical Check-ups

L-R – Agha Asghar Hussain Shaheedi – KPSIAJ Hon. Secretary,
Alhaj Safder Jaffer – The WF President, Alhaj Abul Hasan Gokal – Pakistan Federation President
and Khadijah bai Maisum – Pakistan Federation Councillor
The WF President – Alhaj Safder Jaffer was briefly given a tour of the ongoing summer camp and medical check-up of the jamaat members at the KPSIAJ premises.

Amidst the scorching heat, The WF President and the delegation undertook a visit to remote areas in Sindh and South Punjab, Pakistan, from 24th to 25th June 2023. The purpose of the visit was to evaluate and assess the ongoing projects funded by various donors, including Imam Hasan Foundation in Australia, the Mohsin & Fauzia Jaffer Foundation in the USA, and individual donors through WF-AID globally, following the devastating floods that occurred in Pakistan last year.

The WF delegation accompanying The WF President included: Alhaj Muhammad Mustafa Hemani – The WF Lead Pakistan Office, Syed Ali Gohar, The WF Marketing and Communications Team, and a technical team comprising of Eng. Alhaj Hasan Askari and Eng. Alhaj Shozab. The team reviewed and discussed the ongoing housing projects, shared cost-saving measures implemented to make the construction process more economical, and highlighted how value engineering has contributed to larger room sizes. Alhaj Safder emphasized the need to accelerate the construction process and urged the utilization of all available means to promptly deliver shelters to the vulnerable families.

During the visit, the delegation inspected the progress of housing construction in remote villages of Sindh and Punjab. Unfortunately, the flood-affected families continue to endure dire living conditions, lacking basic necessities such as electricity, clean water, schools, and healthcare facilities. The agricultural land has been destroyed, and the local population, particularly the male members, are deprived of livelihood opportunities.

Several homes were inaugurated, and keys were handed over to the affected families. The delegation also witnessed various projects initiated through the Ali Asgher Water Appeal, which is part of the overall construction project aimed at benefitting the impoverished families.

Additionally, the team visited the site where the installation of water wells and pipelines is underway. Upon approval by The WF President, the number of homes to be constructed will be increased, and solar-powered fans and lights will be installed to provide some relief to the underprivileged.

The team also visited the Ali Asghar Water Appeal (AAWA)’s Shallow Wells site, observing its proper usage and meeting with the beneficiaries, as well as assessing the future water requirements in some of these villages.
Furthermore, the delegates met with the beneficiaries of the Economic Upliftment Project and held discussions with the partners on expanding the initiative. Each beneficiary received 3-4 goats as part of this project, sponsored by the Mohsin & Fauzia Jaffer Foundation. Alhamdulillah, more than 150 families have been supported thus far, and the project aims to extend support to over 500 families.

In South Punjab, a significant number of houses were inaugurated, and as part of the Economic Upliftment Project sponsored by The WF, newly established Tuck Shops and Cold Drink spots were also visited. These initiatives have provided opportunities for impoverished individuals to improve their economic circumstances. For instance, in one case, a financially disadvantaged individual is now able to earn $80 per month from a small rented shop, thanks to a total investment and assistance of $400. Similar success stories have emerged in various provinces, including Sindh, Punjab, and KPK, where individuals have improved on their livelihood with the generous assistance provided.
The families residing in these villages expressed their happiness and heartfelt appreciation for the dedicated efforts of local volunteers, as well as the support provided by The WF and it’s donors.

Alhaj Safder Jaffer – The WF President at the H. F. Foundation Office, Islamabad
On June 27th, the President visited the H. F. Foundation, Islamabad office, and held a meeting with the staff. During the visit, the President thoroughly examined the documentation and reporting procedures, ensuring compliance with both The WF and local regulations. He expressed deep appreciation for the remarkable work being undertaken by The WF and HF teams in Pakistan, particularly in the areas of disaster relief, water relief, mass marriages, and other initiatives.
Furthermore, The WF President acknowledged the significant contribution of the Zainabiya Child Sponsorship Scheme (ZCSS), which provides educational support to deserving students nationwide. Currently The WF supports more than 3,000 students across Pakistan through both, the ZCSS, as well as Higher Education support.