Ziyarats Resource

Ziyarats Resource

Imam al-Sadiq (a) narrates that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) looked at Imam al-Husayn ibn ‘Ali (pbut) [when he was a child] as he was coming to him and sat him on his lap and said: “Verily in the hearts of believers there is a heat [of painful mourning] for the murder of al-Husayn [a] [...]

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Madinah al-Ilm 2024

Madinah al-Ilm 2024

The World Federation of KSIMC , in partnership with Africa Federation (AFED), the Council of European Jamaats (CoEJ), Organisation of North American Shia Ithna-asheri Muslim Communities (NASIMCO), Khoja Communities Australasia (KCA), India Federation, Pakistan Federation and Middle East Jamaat are excited to present the 20th Madinah al-Ilm Course in Iraq, an exceptional educational and spiritual opportunity for youths aged 18-25 [...]

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Arbaeen Message from Community Leadership

Arbaeen Message from Community Leadership

Respected Community Members and Zawwar of Sayyid-ush-Shuhada (a) Salamun Alaykum, It is heartening to note that thousands of community members across the globe are embarking on their journeys towards Karbala for the commemoration of Arbaeen as well as attending majalis in their hometowns. On this occasion, we ask all members of the community (especially the [...]

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